Please subscribe to the Olsen on Law Radio Show Podcast

Attorney Tom Olsen: Chris, I don't mention it enough, but we podcast this show. If you're out there listening and you want to make sure that you hear all the Olsen on Law Radio Shows, you can subscribe to it through the podcast. I'm all about podcasts riding around in my car.

Attorney Chris Merrill: Absolutely.

Tom: I've never told you this, but I listen to our show as a podcast and I'm mesmerized by it. I love it. Maybe some people don't like hearing their voice, but I'd love re-listen to what you and I talk about on this radio show.

Chris: Thank you for saying that. I think that something that is really significant is we love, and which is again, congratulations why you've been doing this radio show so long. You love to educate people. You love podcasts for the reasons of you love to learn, just like listening to Clark Howard. I think it's really great that you enjoy listening to our podcast over.

Tom: I do very much. We get statistics on how many people are downloading and listening to our podcast, and it's always going up, up, up. The more, the better. Folks, if you are into podcasts, check out the Olsen on Law Radio Show Podcast and subscribe to it and tell your friends about it as well.

[00:01:14] [END OF AUDIO]

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