What happens to your car accident injury money if you are on Medicaid or government benefits

Attorney Robert Hidock: I had a client this week who is already on Medicaid in a nursing home. She sued another nursing home that she was in and she received a settlement. We know if she's going to receive that settlement, it's going to put her over assets. She won't qualify for Medicaid any longer. I was speaking with her daughter. Her daughter was so worried that she wasn't going to be able to keep her mom's benefits. She was second-guessing herself whether she should have sued or not sued.

The truth be told is that mom can receive the money and then just like any other Medicaid client that's using a personal service contract, mom receives the money within 30 days, we can do a personal services contract where the money then will go to the daughter. It keeps mom still receiving all of her benefits and then daughter is going to hold the money for mom.

Attorney Tom Olsen: We're really talking about special needs [crosstalk]-

Tom: -is that right?

Robert: No, this is the actual personal services contract [unintelligible 00:01:02].

Tom: Get you. Okay. Folks and Robert, that's an interesting topic. I want to talk some more about it when we get back. Hey, folks, remember that we have available, you want to talk to a lawyer off the air, you can talk to Attorney Chris Merrill right now by calling Olsen Law Group at 407-423-5561. My name is Tom Olsen.

[00:01:21] [END OF AUDIO]