March 2021 Easy Ways to avoid Probate workshops


Attorney Tom Olsen: Welcome back, everybody. My name is Tom Olsen and the name of the show is Olsen on Law, every Saturday between 1:00 and 2:00, right here on NewsRadio WFLA. Folks, we want to let you know that I do regular workshops on Easy Ways to Avoid Probate. At those workshops we talk about wills, we talk about healthcare surrogate, financial power of attorney, living wills, and then we give you all the tools that we use, you and me, to avoid probate. I've got two workshops in March, but one of those has been filled up already. Chris, tell the listeners what other workshop I have in March that's available to them.

Attorney Chris Merrill: Yes, Tom, we have a few slots left for your Tuesday, March 23rd workshop Easy Ways to Avoid Probate and we would love to have you join. It is one hour, very informative. Again, Tuesday, March 23rd. You can either go to our website at to reserve your seat or you can call us at 407-423-5561 and we would love to reserve the seat for you or, of course, give you any information or other details about that workshop. If for some reason you cannot make it in March, then we can also take a look at April dates but March 23rd right now. We would love to have you join us.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Folks, I hope to see you at my Easy Ways to Avoid Probate workshop on March 23rd. Contact the Olsen Law Group in Orlando on our website or call our office main number and we'll get you registered for that workshop. We'd appreciate it.