Caller wants to add his son's name to the deed to his house


Caller should use a lady bird deed a/k/a enhanced life estate deed a/k/a beneficiary deed instead.

Jack: I'd like to get my son on some legal paper showing he's a [unintelligible 00:00:07] owner with myself.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Okay, of your home?

Jack: Yes.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Tell me why do you want to do that, Jack? Does he live with you?

Jack: Yes.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Did he help pay for the house, Jack?

Jack: No.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Jack, what we would normally do, Jack, is we would leave the home in your name only. We would do a Lady Bird deed, that deed would state that as long as you are alive, it is your home to do with as you please but when you pass away your home automatically go over to your son. No headaches, no hassles, no probate. Jack, typically I recommend that you would not add your son's name to the deed, you would not make him a co-owner while you're alive. Instead, we would keep it in your name only, but use this Lady Bird deed as a tool to avoid probate so that it would go to him automatically when you pass away. Jack, would that serve your purpose?

Jack: It sounds like it would.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Jack, we would love to assist you. I'm Tom Olsen with the Olsen Law Group in Orlando. Now, Jack, we have free booklets on Lady Dird deeds. Of course you can call me, just come in and make an appointment to come see me and we'll get it done for you. If you want a free booklet on lady bird deeds and avoiding probate, you can go to our website,, scroll down on page one. You'll see a picture of these booklets and then you can just fill out a form with your name and mailing address. Jack, are you married, by the way?

Jack: No, I'm 95 and I'd like to be.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Okay. [chuckles] Hey, you've asked for what you want, Jack. I'm a big believer so hang in there.

Jack: [chuckles] Maybe you can help me with that.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Jack, I'm all about helping you. I'll reach in my Rolodex and see if I can't find a lady that would be suitable for you. Maybe right here on the radio show. All right, Jack. Thank you for calling. We appreciate it.

Jack: All right. Thank you.