Concurrent sentencing vs consecutive sentencing


Concurrent sentencing vs consecutive sentencing.


Attorney Tom Olsen: George, you're on News 96.5. Go ahead.

George: Good morning, Mr. Olsen. What is the difference in sentencing on a consecutive and concurrent?

Attorney Tom Olsen: Okay, George, for this, I'm going to let Chrissy answer it.

Attorney Chris Merrill: Sure, George. What the difference is, a concurrent, if you were serving concurrent sentences, it would mean that for whatever those offenses are, those sentences are being served at the same time simultaneously. Whereas consecutive means that you must finish one sentence for that offense and then start the sentence for the next offense so they have to be back-to-back versus at the same time.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Thank you Chrissy. Well summed up. We appreciate that.