Tom in week 11 of invisalign smile club


Tom's orthodontist is Dr. Jeff Martin in Orlando.


Attorney Tom Olsen: I am in week 11 of my Invisalign teeth straightening process and I don't know why in my old age, my teeth started shifting so badly but it would got bad enough that I started Invisalign, working with the orthodontist, Dr. Jeff Martin. Boy, the last thing he said to me when my first appointment was he says, "Tom, welcome to the smile club." I'm thinking "You know what, if I'm going to spend this kind of money on my teeth, I am going to show my teeth and smile more." It has been like a revelation to me. What I'm going to say is a lot of people out there might know this already but it's new to me, I'm learning something new and that is that smiling has a wonderful effect on people.

When I talk about smiling, I might have always smiled with my lips and I might approach people with happiness in my heart and happiness in my head but, boy, the way to show that is to open up that mouth and show those teeth like this. When you approach people like that with that kind of smile, whether it's somebody greeting at a restaurant or walking down a street and seeing somebody, man, it is not open to interpretation how you feel, they know that you are warm and welcoming with that kind of smile and guess what, and I do it around the office too. Guess what, people smile back at you, and they're much more willing to converse even if you're a stranger.

Attorney Chris Merrill: They respond and it's a universal language.

Attorney Tom Olsen: It's been a good experience for me and also it involves this muscle memory because it takes some muscles to smile like this and show your teeth, but what I found myself is even if I'm walking down the street all by myself, I'm still smiling even if I'm not showing to somebody and it's good practice and good muscle memory.

Attorney Chris Merrill: I'm so happy you've discovered this, love.

Attorney Tom Olsen: It's a revelation. I'm 63 years old and it's brand new to me but I'm thoroughly enjoying it and I want to thank my orthodontist, Dr. Jeff Martin, for recommending this to me and getting me into it and it's been a huge success so far.

Attorney Chris Merrill: Welcome to the smile club.

Attorney Tom Olsen: Thank you, love.